Портал славістики


Slavistische Arbeitsbibliographie von Prof. S. Kempgen

Die "Slavistische Arbeitsbibliographie von Prof. S. Kempgen" enthält ca. 17.000 Titel zur slavischen Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft mit besonderen Schwerpunkten in der Ost- und Südslawistik (Russland und Balkanraum). Die Schlagwortliste befindet sich hier.

Ihre Suche nach Stankiewicz, E. lieferte 23 Treffer

The Historical Phonology of Common Slavic. Review Article

Stankiewicz, E. - in: International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Phonetics (1973) 179-192

The Consonantal Alternations in the Slavic Declensions

Stankiewicz, E. - in: Word (1960) 183-203

The Interdependence of Paradigmatic and Derivational Patterns

Stankiewicz, E. - in: Word (1962) 1-22

The Singular-Plural Oppositions in the Slavic Languages

Stankiewicz, E. - in: International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Phonetics (1962) 1-15

Unity and Variety in the Morphophonemic Patterns of the Slavic Declensions

Stankiewicz, E. - in: American Contributions to the Fifth Int. Congress of Slavists, The Hague (1963) 263-286

Trubetzkoy and Slavic Morphophonemics

Stankiewicz, E. - in: Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch (1964) 79-90

Slavic Morphophonemics in its Typological and Diachronic Aspects

Stankiewicz, E. - in: Current Trends in Linguistics, Vol. III, The Hague (1966) 495-520

Opposition and Hierarchy in Morphophonemic Alternations

Stankiewicz, E. - in: To Honor Roman Jakobson Vol. III, The Hague, Paris (1967) 1895-1905

The Accent Patterns of the Slavic Verb

Stankiewicz, E. - in: American Contributions to the Sixth International Congress of Slavists, The Hague (1968) 359-375

Declension and gradation of Russian substantives in contemporary standard Russian

Stankiewicz, E. - The Hague, Paris, 1968