Портал славістики
Die "Bibliographie der tschechischen Linguistik (BibCzechLing)" wird am Institut für tschechische Sprache der Akademie der Wissenschaften der Tschechischen Republik (Ústav pro jazyk český AV) aufgebaut und enthält ca. 73.280 Datensätze für den Zeitraum von ca. 1992 bis 2018. Die Übersicht über die Schlagwörter befindet sich hier.
Ihre Suche nach lingvistika komputační lieferte 478 Treffer | |
1 | Computer-related applications: computational linguisticsHajičová, Eva, in: Encyclopedia of Microcomputers, New York, Dekker ; 1990, s. 1-16 |
2 | The structure of the multimedia database STDBVollmann, Ralf, in: Text, Speech, Dialogue [TSD'98] : Proceedings of the First Workshop on Text, Speech, Dialogue - TSD'98, Brno, Czech Republic, September 23-26, 1998, Brno, MU 1998, s. 327-332 |
3 | Rule-based dependenciesHajič, Jan; Ribarov, Kiril, in: Empirical learning of natural language processing tasks : Workshop notes. ECML/MLnet familiarization workshop, April 26, 1997, Prague, Czech Republic, Praha, Univ. of Economics ; 1997, s. 125-136 |
4 | Roboti si vytvořili vlastní jazyk i s gramatikoumu, in: Lidové noviny (Praha), 2003, 26.7.2003 |
5 | Vector-to-image transformation of character patterns for on-line and off-line recognitionVelek, Ondřej; Nakagawa, Masaki; Liu, Cheng-Lin, in: International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages (Singapore), 15, č. 2, 2002, s. 187-209 |
6 | Syntactic analysis as pattern matching: the SET parsing systemJakubíček, Miloš; Kovář, Vojtěch; Horák, Aleš, in: Proceedings of the 4th Language & Technology Conference, LTC 2009, Poznań, 2009, s. 100-104 |
7 | Tools for managing multilingual lexical resourcesHorák, Aleš; Pala, Karel; Rambousek, Adam, in: Proceedings of the 16th Conference Intelligent Information Systems, Zakopane, Poland, Zakopane, Polish Academy of Sciences ; 2008, s. 451-460 |
8 | Reusable tagset conversion usinfg tagset driverZeman, Daniel, in: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2008, Marrakech, Morocco, 26-31 May 2008, Paris, ELRA ; 2008, s. 28-30 |
9 | Move alpha. Conditions on its application and outputLasnik, Howard; Saito, Mamoru Cambridge (MA) 1992 |
10 | The Oxford Handbook of Computational LinguisticsEditor Mitkov, Ruslan Oxford 2003 |