Портал славістики


Bibliography of International Congresses of Slavists (BibSlavKon)

The Bibliography of International Congresses of Slavists (1929-2018) was converted from thirteen printed volumes into a database in cooperation with the Slavonic Library in Prague (Slovanská knihovna Praha) and contains 8550 records. Since 2008 the Bibliography appear only in electronic form and will be updated in five-year interval according to the next Congresses of Slavists. The further information can be found here. The overview of the classification can be found: here.

Your search for R7520 provides 21 hits

Roljata na tvorčestvoto na T.G. Ševčenko v razvitieto na koncepcijata za vzaimodejstvieto na literaturite

Božkova-Kavaldžieva, S. - Slavjanska filologija (1983), 177-182

Herzen’s Changing Concept of Reality and its Reflection in his Literary Works

Partridge, Monica - The Slavonic and East European Review 46 (1968) 107, 397-421

Questions of Relative Chronology in Common Slavic and Russian Phonology

Ebeling, C. L. - Dutch Contributions to the Fifth International Congress of Slavists : Sofia, 1963 (1963), 27-42

Ľhéritage littéraire des „zélateurs de piété“ moscovites : mythe ou réalité?

Lavrov, Aleksandr - Revue des études slaves 79 (2008) 1/2, 65–86

Roljata na obštestvenoto mnenie za utvărždavane statuta na razgovornata reč v slavjanskite ezici

Videnov, Michail - Slavjanska filologija (1998), 129-137

A Close Relative of Jurje’s Gospel, Located by Lection System Classification

Burns, Y. - The Slavonic and East European Review 61 (1983) 1, 1-17

Roljata na romantičnija epos v razvitieto na bălgarskata poezija do părvata svetovna vojna

Vălčev, V. - Slavjanska filologija (1973), 325-341

Roljata na bălgarskata emigracija v Rumănija za kulturnoto văzraždane na bălgarite prez perioda 1800-1840 g.

Velichi, C. - Slavjanska filologija : materiali za V Meždunaroden kongres na slavistite (1963), 179-191

Za roljata na faktora tradicija pri izgraždaneto na novobălgarskija knižoven ezik : (v săpostavka săs srăbskija knižoven ezik)

Stankov, Valentin; Ivano¬Va, Malina - Bălgarski ezik : organ na Instituta za bălgarski ezik pri Bălgarskata akademija na naukite 43/44 (1993/1994) 5/6, 426-436

Contribution à ľétude des rapports entre le sujet et le thème de la révolte métaphysique chez Baratynskij

Bonamour, J. - Communications de la délégation française (1973), 71-76